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Loretta Grainshifter & MC Fantom – Terézanya – translated lyrics
Mother Theresa, even she would totally smoke here
Drug store, can hardly handle the demand
On the way home, my vision is less clear
A yeti’s footprint has appeared on the lawn, as I state it…
Watch out!
Doggie, kitten, measurement error
IKEA, Praktiker, Baumax and Kika
With analog tools, even Gagarin sucks
Gyros selected in a very little pita
I’m at Corvin square, where is a trash bin?
Albanian chicks with moustaches are dancing on a wedding
I put it on the wall, Jessica Alba,
Canasta is only good with you, Kriszta (name).
Mother Theresa, even she would totally drink here
A monkey-dog, I’m holding it back with an umbrella
Túrós csusza (type of food), now that’s just exceptional
Half-Life 3 is finally out, I’m installing it
Hockey, Gyuri (name), outstanding fun
Who’s not with Himmel is probably gay
If your little mouth talks shit, we’ll slap you for sure
It sucks when someone farts in the elevator
After his operation, Tibi (name) the panda became a dolphin
Your PDA kicks ass, let me see for a minute
With a cigarette in my face, I’m waiting for the train,
I have a ticket to Bugac (town) and back.
Hare Krishna, written on the book cover
Piruetta (fictional name), screaming Himmel’s tune
Wurst sandwich, sausage-stingray pizza
I hear the voice of Pope Benedict
Battle, Chita, serial, killa
Eggs with mushrooms and a seven-spotted ladybird
The car is too fast, and the snail is too short
I suspect that we won’t win the Qpa (competition) this year
After this much absinthe, a few beers are just bullcrap
"Grafika" pub, and the Webtown office
Gypsy gang in undershirts, they stole my Lada,
They should bring me back my Pendulum casette.
Mother Theresa, even she would totally smoke here
Drug store, can hardly handle the demand
On the way home, my vision is less clear
A yeti’s footprint has appeared on the lawn, yo, here’s the thing
Eat onions. Hungarian onion.
12 komment A kommenteket és trackbackeket lezártuk.
Hát ööö… Nem jutok szóhoz. :P
And now everyone goo for Himmel World Domination! :)
és bizonyos mennyiség után még rímel is. outstanding.
Eredetileg az volt a tervem, hogy japán karaoke fansub főcímzene mintára folyamatosan subtitle-özöm japánul is. De aztán rájöttem, hogy ez kétszer annyi időbe telne. :D
ez teljesen készen van. ha rímelne is, és újracsinálnátok angolul is, befigyelne az amerikai mtv is simán.
Ezt megírjuk egy berúgás alatt angolúl rímelve! :D
Mother Theresa would become here a smoka’
Drug store, nigga can hardly gimme coca’
On da way home – ah, my vision ain’t yet supa
A yeti’s footprint’s appeared near my home, shit I’m scare – no I don’t
Watch out!
Doggie, Kittie, my calculations’re crappy
IKEA, Praktiker, Baumax and Kika
With analog tools even Gagarin’s a sucka’
Gyros selected in a very little pita
I’m at Corvin square and I can’t find a trash bin
Moustached Albanian chicks are dancin’ on a weddin’
I put it on the wall, Jessica Alba
Canasta is only good with ya, Kriszta
Mother Theresa would become here a drinka’
A monkey-dog holded back with an umbrella
Quarky pasta, thats just exceptional
H7\_LF-LIFE 3’s finally out, I’m ‘stallin’ it that’s miracle
Hockey, Georgie /*szolgálati közlemény: esetleges angolverziós klipben ide bussos képet kérünk!*/ outstandingly funny
Who’s not with Himmel is either gay or stupid
If your little mouth talks shit we’re gonna slap you for sure
It sucks when someone farts in the elevator
Since his operation Tibi the panda’s like a raptor
Your PDA kicks ass, and mine is a crap, LOL
With a cigarette in my face, I’m waitin’ for da train,
I have a ticket to Bugac and back again
Haare Hrishna, written on da book cova’
Piruetta’s screamin’ the Himmel tune just for ya
Wurst sandwich and sausage-stingray pizza
I hear the voice of pope Benedic, yeah
MP, woah
Battle, Chita, serial, killa’
Eggs with mushrooms and two little spotted buga
The car is too fast and the snail is too short
I think this year we’re gonna lose in our sport
After this mich absinthe, a few beers are just bullcrap
"Grafika" pub and "Webtown office" sounds rap
Gypsy gang in undershirts have solen my LA-DA
They should bring me back my Pendulum tape, hah!
Mother Theresa would become here a smoka’
Drug store, nigga can hardly gimme coca’
On da way home – ah, my vision ain’t yet supa
A yeti’s footprint’s appeared near my home, yo, here’s da big thing
Eat onions. Hungarian onion.
Nice. Egész korrekt, bár vannak azért benne nyögvenyelős részek. :) Viszont a PDA-s rész kifejezetten humoros. :)
:) kössz, matekórán írtam (emiatt nem lett kész a töriházim és majnem eggyest kaptam:D)
Heil HiMMeL! B)
Supa! :P egy kis helyesbítés még talán szükséges.
Már nagyon várom az angol verziót!
Himmel 4Ever!
karajcsovszkig, van lambda karakter a szövegedhez:ג
pöpec ,de valaki nem tudná beírni azt az angol szöveget amit a
"yo, here’s the thing" után kezd el mondani?